Monday, June 15, 2009

Pete's recovery

We were all shocked to hear that my dad had suffered a severe stroke in early March. He spent 3 days in ICU, another 3 days in the neurology unit and then over 3 weeks in the rehab unit at Providence.

Finally, he was released to go home in early April. He and my mom moved into our house at first because we have a bedroom on the main floor and only a couple of stairs to our front door. He arrived in a wheelchair and was able to walk all the way from the car into our house. Eric took him on daily walks and they went further and further every day.

After just one short week, he was ready to conquer the stairs at his house. It has been over 3 months now since the stroke and he is doing so great! His doctor even officially named him her best severe stroke recovery to date. Did we expect any less?

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